Using Protocol Constraints Instead Of Extending
In his great post “Doubling Down on Protocol-Oriented Programming”, Soroush Khanlou describes an improvement of his earlier Protocol-Oriented Networking approach. While this is a great technique, I think there’s a small but significant way in which his approach could be improved.
Swift's enum as a data source state machine
Last week at dotSwift.io, two of the presentations contained a version of the following example of using associated values of Swift enumerations…
Offline storage without iCloud backups
Today I got my first App-rejection. NRC Media’s In beeld app recently got a major update, which as it turns out didn’t follow Apple’s iOS Data Storage Guidelines. However, Apple’s review team detected this in the minor bugfix update that I submitted after that. The problem was that all photo’s downloaded by the app were backed up into iCloud resulting in an increase of backup size of about 100MB in some cases.
Making testers your clients
There are currently lot of people doing freelance iOS work. And because it’s so easy to submit an app to the App Store, most of them have some personal app projects on the side. These two kind of projects are difficult to combine because they almost always conflict with each other. How often haven’t you delayed a personal project because a client deadline was coming up and you weren’t ready yet? Personal projects are the ones that are most easy to delay, because the the commitment you have to them is only to yourself. Everybody knows that you need to be really disciplined to make a personal deadline, because there are few consequences of not meeting it.
Nesting Stacks in Spine.js
Spine.js is a simple and lightweight MVC framework in CoffeeScript. It has a nifty feature called ‘Stacks’, which I can’t explain better than the documentation: “Stacks are a way of grouping controllers, ensuring that only one controller is activated and displayed at any one time.”